Fun with English Vocabulary!

Fun with English Vocabulary!

Learning new words can be a blast! This document is full of exciting words for elementary learners to explore. Let's dive in and make your English skills grow!


  • Red: The color of fire trucks, apples, and stop signs. It's a bright and bold color that often means danger or excitement.
  • Yellow: The color of sunshine, bananas, and school buses. It's a happy and cheerful color that makes us feel warm and sunny.
  • Blue: The color of the sky, the ocean, and blueberries. It's a calm and peaceful color that makes us feel relaxed and serene.
  • Green: The color of grass, leaves, and frogs. It's a fresh and natural color that makes us feel alive and healthy.
  • Orange: The color of pumpkins, carrots, and sunsets. It's a playful and energetic color that makes us feel happy and optimistic.


  • One: The number that comes before two. It means there is only one of something.
  • Two: The number that comes after one. It means there are two of something.
  • Three: The number that comes after two. It means there are three of something.
  • Four: The number that comes after three. It means there are four of something.
  • Five: The number that comes after four. It means there are five of something.


  • Circle: A round shape with no corners. It looks like a ball, a pizza, or the sun.
  • Square: A shape with four straight sides and four right angles. It looks like a box, a window, or a piece of paper.
  • Triangle: A shape with three straight sides and three corners. It looks like a slice of pizza, a traffic sign, or a mountain.
  • Rectangle: A shape with four straight sides and four right angles, but two sides are longer than the other two. It looks like a door, a book, or a table.
  • Star: A shape with five or more points that reach out from the center. It looks like the stars in the sky, a starfish, or a sticker.


  • Dog: A furry four-legged animal with a wagging tail and a bark. They are loyal and playful pets.
  • Cat: A furry four-legged animal with soft fur and whiskers. They are independent and curious pets.
  • Bird: A feathered animal with wings that can fly. They come in all shapes and sizes, from tiny hummingbirds to giant eagles.
  • Fish: An animal that lives in water and has fins and gills. They come in all shapes and colors, from tiny minnows to giant whales.
  • Lion: A large, wild cat with a mane of fur around its head. They are the kings of the jungle and roar loudly.

These are just a few examples of the many fun and exciting words you can learn in English! Keep exploring and discovering new words every day, and you'll be a vocabulary master in no time!

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